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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Olympics _ Maybe Brazil was not the Best Idea

The 2016 Olympics are coming soon and boy does Brazil seem a bad choice. Just today, Rory McElroy became the latest golfer to withdraw his name from consideration, joining Adam Scott, and several others. Some athletes from other sports have also withdrawn.

This cannot be an eayt decision. The Olympics are the crown jewel of sports and the chance to represent your country is an incredible honor. But, as hard as it may be for some to believe, there are more important things than sports.

First problem is the Zika virus. The illness it causes is said to be flu-like and only severe in folks in poor health, but it is pretty well established that the presence of the virus in pregnant women leads to microcephaly, a devastating birth defect. In addition, no one seems sure how long the risk continues after exposure to the virus. To worsen matters, a man exposed to the virus can pass it to a woman by sexual contact. The virus is quite active in Brazil and young men and women, wishing to later have children are weighing the risk against winning Olympic glory. No one should fault them for their caution.

On top of all that, in the recent news, I noticed that a plot to kidnap 2 athletes was foiled. Such crimes are not unheard of in that country and golfer Ricky Fowler has expressed concern about the game's security.

As if that wasn't enough, the nation is going through political upheaval. Its once popular President has been impeached for various economic improprieties and no one is sure how all of that will work out.

Things are actually even worse. Brazil is a prosperous Nation, however, the prosperity falls to a comparative few while wretched poverty is widespread. There have also been reports that those running the Olympics are not even close to being ready.

By all accounts, Brazil is a beautiful and fascinating country. I have known a few Brazilians and found them to be delightful people. It is a shame that their Nation is undergoing such difficulties, but sympathy is one thing and foolish risk taking is another.

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